Sunday, December 6, 2009

Making Music with Your Computer or Elements of Compiler Design

Making Music with Your Computer

Author: Stephen Bennett

These days, nearly everyone with musical aspirations alsohas a computer. This same computer can double as a highquality recording studio capable of producing professionalrecordings. This book tells you what software and hardwareyou will need to get the best results.

You'll learn about recording techniques, software andeffects, mixing, mastering and CD production.

Suitable for PC and Mac users, the book is full of tips,'how to do' topics and illustrations. It's the perfectanswer to the question 'How do I use my computer to producemy own CD?'

See also: Careers with Animals or Nonprofit Kit For Dummies

Elements of Compiler Design

Author: Alexander Meduna

Providing both theoretical and practical approaches, Elements of Compiler Design offers a comprehensive introduction to compilers. From a theoretical perspective, this book presents fundamental models underlying compilation and demonstrates the concepts, methods, and techniques based on these models. It also examines the mathematical foundations of the theory of formal languages, automata, and transducers. From a practical point of view, the text describes how various compiler techniques are implemented and features a continuous case study that illustrates the design of a new programming language and construction of a compiler for this language.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Understanding the Digital Economy or C Network Programming Volume I

Understanding the Digital Economy: Data, Tools, and Research

Author: Erik Brynjolfsson

The rapid growth of electronic commerce, along with changes in information, computing, and communications, is having a profound effect on the United States economy. President Clinton recently directed the National Economic Council, in consultation with executive branch agencies, to analyze the economic implications of the Internet and electronic commerce domestically and internationally, and to consider new types of data collection and research that could be undertaken by public and private organizations.

This book contains work presented at a conference held by executive branch agencies in May 1999 at the Department of Commerce. The goals of the conference were to assess current research on the digital economy, to engage the private sector in developing the research that informs investment and policy decisions, and to promote better understanding of the growth and socioeconomic implications of information technology and electronic commerce. Aspects of the digital economy addressed include macroeconomic assessment, organizational change, small business, access, market structure and competition, and employment and the workforce.

New interesting textbook: The Boys Beer Book or Seasonal Country Kitchen

C++ Network Programming, Volume I: Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns

Author: Douglas C Schmidt

As networks, devices, and systems continue to evolve, software engineers face the unique challenge of creating reliable distributed applications within frequently changing environments. C++ Network Programming, Volume 1, provides practical solutions for developing and optimizing complex distributed systems using the ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE), a revolutionary open-source framework that runs on dozens of hardware platforms and operating systems.

This book guides software professionals through the traps and pitfalls of developing efficient, portable, and flexible networked applications. It explores the inherent design complexities of concurrent networked applications and the tradeoffs that must be considered when working to master them.

C++ Network Programming begins with an overview of the issues and tools involved in writing distributed concurrent applications. The book then provides the essential design dimensions, patterns, and principles needed to develop flexible and efficient concurrent networked applications. The book's expert author team shows you how to enhance design skills while applying C++ and patterns effectively to develop object-oriented networked applications.

Readers will find coverage of:

  • C++ network programming, including an overview and strategies for addressing common development challenges The ACE Toolkit
  • Connection protocols, message exchange, and message-passing versus shared memory
  • Implementation methods for reusable networked application services
  • Concurrency in object-oriented network programming
  • Design principles and patterns for ACE wrapfacades

With this book, C++ developers have at their disposal the most complete toolkit available for developing successful, multiplatform, concurrent networked applications with ease and efficiency.


Explains how to use the adaptive communication environment (ACE) to develop networked applications. The authors, one of whom created ACE, review the core native OS mechanisms available on popular OS platforms, and illustrate how C++ and patterns are applied in ACE to encapsulate these mechanisms in class library wrapper facades that improve application portability and robustness. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:

(NOTE: All chapters end with a Summary.)
About This Book.
Design Challenges, Middleware Solutions, and ACE.
Challenges of Networked Applications.
Networked Application Design Dimensions.
Object-Oriented Middleware Solutions.
An Overview of the ACE Toolkit.
Example Application: A Networked Logging Service.


1. Communication Design Dimensions.
Connectionless versus Connection-oriented Protocols.
Synchronous versus Asynchronous Message Exchange.
Message Passing versus Shared Memory.

2. An Overview of the Socket API.
An Overview of Operating System IPC Mechanisms.
The Socket API.
Limitations of the Socket API.

3. The ACE Socket Wrapper Facades.
The ACE Addr and ACE INET Addr Classes.
The ACE IPC SAP Class.
The ACE SOCK Class.
The ACE SOCK Connector Class.
The ACE SOCK Stream and ACE SOCK IO Classes..
The ACE SOCK Acceptor Class.

4. Implementing the Networked Logging Service.
The ACE Message Block Class.
The ACE InputCDR and ACE OutputCDR Classes.
The Initial Logging Server.
The Client Application.


5.Concurrency Design Dimensions.
Iterative, Concurrent, and Reactive Servers.
Processes versus Threads.
Process/Thread Spawning Strategies.
User, Kernel, and Hybrid Threading Models.
Time-shared and Real-time Scheduling Classes.
Task- vs. Message-based Architectures.

6. An Overview of Operating System Concurrency Mechanisms.
Synchronous Event Demultiplexing.
MultiProcessing Mechanisms.
MultiThreading Mechanisms.
Synchronization Mechanisms.
Limitations with OS Concurrency Mechanisms.

7. The ACE Synchronous Event Demultiplexing Wrapper Facades.
The ACE Handle Set Class.
The ACE Handle Set Iterator Class.
The ACE::select() Methods.

8. The ACE Process Wrapper Facades.
The ACE Process Class.
The ACE Process Options Class.
The ACE Process Manager Class.

9. The ACE Threading Wrapper Facades.
The ACE Thread Manager Class.
The ACE Sched Params Class.
The ACE TSS Class.

10. The ACE Synchronization Wrapper Facades.
The ACE Guard Classes.
The ACE Mutex Classes.
The ACE Readers/Writer Lock Classes.
The ACE Semaphore Classes.
The ACE Condition Variable Classes.

A Design Principles for ACE C++ Wrapper Facades.
Use Wrapper Facades to Enhance Type Safety.
Simplify for the Common Case.
Use Hierarchies to Enhance Design Clarity and Extensibility.
Hide Platform Differences Whenever Possible.
Optimize for Efficiency.

B The Past, Present, and Future of ACE.
The Evolution of ACE.
The Road Ahead.
Concluding Remarks.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

The ABCs of LDAP or Photoshop CS for Beginners DVD

The ABCs of LDAP: How to Install, Run, and Administer LDAP Services

Author: Reinhard Volgmaier

Until now, it has been difficult to find the right source of information on LDAP and directory server implementations: books on the subject are overly product-specific, and a search on the Web results in information overload. The ABCs of LDAP: How to Install, Run, and Administer LDAP Services strikes the right balance, providing a synopsis of LDAP fundamentals without getting wrapped up in one particular implementation. This book is for network and systems administrators who want to begin using LDAP more extensively. It delivers the theoretical background needed to understand how these servers work, resulting in clear, concise examples of implementations in both commercial and OpenLDAP environments. The text is structured so that each chapter can stand on its own, with brief descriptions of terms supplemented by references to more detailed explanations in other chapters. You also benefit from a concise overview of how to design a directory, preparing you to execute directory deployments for email, PKI, DNS, NIS servers, and many other productivity-enhancing applications. Topics include major LDAP APIs, such as PHP, Perl, and Java, as well as distributed command line tools. The book covers ways to integrate LDAP into existing systems, and provides hands-on examples within working implementations.

See also: The Movement and the Sixties or The Age of Turbulence

Photoshop CS for Beginners DVD

Author: Scott Kelby

There's nothing like having a teacher at your side as you learn a new program--especially one as powerful and complex as Photoshop CS. But a private tutor is a luxury few users can afford. With this DVD, you don't need one! On it, Adobe Certified Trainer Dave Cross provides all the essential info you need to dive right in and start using the image manipulation program immediately--no experience required! Throughout, the focus is on the practical advice that will get you playing around with the program fast. In short order, Dave provides clear, succinct explanations of pixels, resolution, color modes, and file sizes; how to set up the workspace; which tools to use for what; how to take advantage of the History palette and layers for making changes; how to use Photoshop's selection tools effectively (and why this is so crucial); methods for adjusting and retouching images; techniques for cropping, transforming, and using filters; and more. A slew of timesaving tips and shortcuts ease the way!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

CCNA or Computer Security Fundamentals


Author: Michael Valentin

The CCNA Exam Cram 2, Second Edition is a concise, comprehensive study aid that is perfect for anyone preparing for the CCNA exam. Some changes to the exam are expected in late 2005, and this updated edition to the popular Exam Cram will keep you up to date. This newest edition continues to provide you with specific, targeted explanations of the concepts and commands that you will find on the actual CCNA exam.


You will be able to focus on exam objectives, without having to first wade through lots of extra information that you don't need for the test. You will also be able to gain specific skills to improve your testing ability, not only in CCNA knowledge, but with proven test-taking strategies designed to improve your score. The CCNA Exam Cram 2, Second Edition's focus on objectives, exam alerts, and strategies will give you some of the best study preparation material available. It truly is "The Smartest Way to Get Certified!"

Table of Contents:
Ch. 1Networking fundamentals1
Ch. 2Network models13
Ch. 3Concepts in IP addressing37
Ch. 4Working with Cisco equipment65
Ch. 5Managing your router85
Ch. 6Catalyst switch operations and configuration99
Ch. 7VLANs125
Ch. 8IP access lists147
Ch. 9Routing171
Ch. 10Wide area networks209
Ch. 11Advanced IP concepts241
Ch. 12CCNA practice labs269
Ch. 13Practice exam #1281
Ch. 14Answer key to practice test #1305
Ch. 15Practice exam #2321
Ch. 16Answer key to practice test #2339

See also: Natural Healing for Headaches or From the Heart

Computer Security Fundamentals

Author: William Easttom

KEY BENEFIT: This gateway into the world of computer security provides one-volume coverage of all the basic concepts, terminology and issues, along with practical skills essential to security.  Topics covered range from those commonly found in security books such as virus attacks, buffer overflow, hacking spyware and network defense, as well as more specialized areas including cyber terrorism, industrial espionage and encryption.  Providing a comprehensive introduction, this volumes examines assessing a target system, denial of service attacks, malware, basics of assessing and securing a system, encryption, Internet fraud, and cyber crime, industrial espionage, cyber terrorism and information warfare, cyber detective, security hardware and software.  For system analysts network administrators, network security professionals and security audit professionals.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pro NetBeans IDE 55 Enterprise Edition or The Scheme Programming Language 3rd Edition

Pro NetBeans IDE 5.5 Enterprise Edition

Author: Adam Myatt

Written for Java(tm) developers of varying skill and familiarity with the open source NetBeans(tm) IDE as well as Java IDEs in general, Pro NetBeans(tm) IDE 5.5 Enterprise Edition focuses on using NetBeans IDE as a professional Java EE 5 software development platform.

Experienced author Adam Myatt provides a comprehensive guide to mapping out the functionality of NetBeans IDE and its enterprise add-ons: Enterprise Pack and Visual Web Pack. Coverage of such diverse topics as web applications, web services, and UML modeling, along with real-life case studies and clear, topical information, all combine to offer everything you need to get started with the NetBeans IDE 5.5 Enterprise Edition platform.

So whether you're an experienced IDE user or a Java developer who works only with Emacs, you'll find what you need in this book to get started with the more vibrant, more productive extensible NetBeans platform project.

Book review: Learn Excel 97 through Excel 2007 from Mr Excel or Momentum

The Scheme Programming Language, 3rd Edition

Author: R Kent Dybvig

This thoroughly updated edition of The Scheme Programming Language provides an introduction to Scheme and a definitive reference for standard Scheme, presented in a clear and concise manner. Written for professionals and students with some prior programming experience, it begins by leading the programmer gently through the basics of Scheme and continues with an introduction to some of the more advanced features of the language. Many exercises are presented to help reinforce the lessons learned, and answers to the exercises are given in a new appendix. Most of the remaining chapters are dedicated to the reference material, which describes in detail the standard features of Scheme included in the Revised Report on Scheme and the ANSI/IEEE standard for Scheme.

Numerous examples are presented throughout the introductory and reference portions of the text, and a unique set of extended example programs and applications, with additional exercises, are presented in the final chapter. Reinforcing the book's utility as a reference text are appendixes that present the formal syntax of Scheme, a summary of standard forms and procedures, and a bibliography of Scheme resources. The Scheme Programming Language stands alone as an introduction to and essential reference for Scheme programmers. It is also useful as a supplementary text for any course that uses Scheme.

The Scheme Programming Language is illustrated by artist Jean-Pierre Hebert, who writes Scheme programs to extend his ability to create sophisticated works of digital art.


An introduction to the language for readers with some programming experience, progressing from simple to difficult examples and exercises that illustrate each of the major features of the language. After coverage of aspects such as binding forms, control structures, and syntactic extension facilities, a final chapter includes sample programs and packages with an overview of each package with additional examples and exercises. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:
2Getting Started11
3Going Further55
4Procedures and Variable Bindings83
5Control Operations93
6Operations on Objects119
7Input and Output169
8Syntactic Extension181
9Extended Examples211
Answers to Selected Exercises261
Formal Syntax of Scheme277
Summary of Forms281

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book or Oracle Database 10g Linux Administration

The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book: The Complete Guide for Photographers

Author: Martin Evening

Digital photographers who have relied on Adobe Photoshop to work with their images have a new tool at their disposal: Adobe Lightroom. Designed from the ground up with digital photographers in mind, Lightroom offers powerful features in a streamlined interface that let photographers import, sort, and organize images. The Adobe Lightroom Book, written by professional photographer and best-selling author Martin Evening, describes Lightroom's features in detail and with photographer's in mind. As an established commercial and fashion photographer, Martin knows firsthand what photographers need for a more efficient workflow. He's been working with Lightroom from the beginning, providing feedback to Lightroom's public beta and monitoring the product's development. The Adobe Lightroom Book has been earning acclaim since it was first published as a "Rough Cut" book-in-process on Safari, a joint venture between Peachpit and O'Reilly Publishing. Martin has been updating the book's content as Lightroom evolves, giving users the most up-to-date information about this revolutionary product. As a result, Martin knows the software inside and out, making him the perfect author for what will become the definitive book about Adobe Lightroom. Photographers who routinely work with raw images will find Lightroom--and The Adobe Lightroom Book--an indispensable tool in their digital darkroom.

Book review: Nutraceuticals Designer Foods III or 125 Best Casseroles and One Pot Meals

Oracle Database 10g Linux Administration

Author: Edward Whalen

Install and configure Oracle Database 10g on a Linux enterprise platform. This book explains how to set up, administer, monitor, and tune Oracle Database 10g on Linux. You will also learn how to implement High Availability solutions as well as handle backup, recovery, and replication. This exclusive Oracle Press guide is the ideal resource for all Oracle DBAs working in a Linux environment.

Edward Whalen is the founder of Performance Tuning Corporation (, a consulting company specializing in database performance, administration, and backup/recovery solutions. Prior to starting Performance Tuning Corp., Mr. Whalen worked at Compaq Computer Corporation as an OS developer, and then as a database performance engineer. He has extensive experience in database system design and tuning for optimal performance. His career has consisted of hardware, OS, and database development projects for many different companies. Mr. Whalen has written three other books on the Oracle RDBMS and four books on MS SQL Server. He has also worked on numerous benchmarks and performance tuning projects with both Oracle and MS SQL Server. Mr. Whalen is recognized as a leader in database performance tuning and optimization. In addition to his experience in Oracle on many different OS platforms, such as Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and Windows, he has recently spent significant time working with Oracle on Linux, including the deployment of some of the first RAC clusters on Linux. He works closely with both Red Hat and Novell/SUSE with many different flavors of Linux.

Table of Contents:
1Linux architecture3
2Oracle architecture29
3Transaction management and the Oracle schema objects65
4Sizing Oracle 10g on Linux systems91
5Configuring the Linux system for Oracle125
6Installing Oracle 10g on Linux141
7Oracle real application cluster concepts165
8Deploying Oracle real application clusters on Linux185
9Administering Oracle and RAC on Linux215
10Tuning Oracle and RAC on Linux235
11Backup and recovery273
13Oracle data guard on Linux323
14Oracle advanced replication on Linux341
15Configuring the hardware for Linux and Oracle351
16Tuning SQL369
17Indexes and partitioning403
18Oracle Application Server 10g on Linux427
19The Oracle e-business suite on Linux443

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oracle DBA Pocket Guide or Programming Excel with VBA and NET

Oracle DBA Pocket Guide

Author: David Kreines

Oracle DBA Pocket Guide is designed to help Oracle DBAs make more effective use of their time and resources. Covering current Oracle database products, from Oracle9i Database to the latest release, Oracle Database 10g Release 2, this pocket guide presents useful information about Oracle database administration in a clear, concise, and easy-to-use format. This reference pulls together the key concepts, commands, and parameters that Oracle DBAs need on a daily basis, packing an enormous amount of helpful advice into a compact, all-in-one volume.

Table of Contents:
Oracle architecture3
Software options15
Configuration planning18
Initialization parameters26
Backup and recovery30
The data dictionary117

See also: The First Billion Is the Hardest or Crucial Conversations

Programming Excel with VBA and .NET

Author: Jeff Webb

Why program Excel? For solving complex calculations and presenting results, Excel is amazingly complete with every imaginable feature already. But programming Excel isn't about adding new features as much as it's about combining existing features to solve particular problems. With a few modifications, you can transform Excel into a task-specific piece of software that will quickly and precisely serve your needs. In other words, Excel is an ideal platform for probably millions of small spreadsheet-based software solutions.
The best part is, you can program Excel with no additional tools. A variant of the Visual Basic programming language-VB for Applications (VBA)-is built into Excel to facilitate its use as a platform. With VBA, you can create macros and templates, manipulate user interface features such as menus and toolbars, and work with custom user forms or dialog boxes. VBA is relatively easy to use, but if you've never programmed before, "Programming Excel with VBA and .NET" is a great way to learn a lot very quickly. If you're an experienced Excel user or a Visual Basic programmer, you'll pick up a lot of valuable new tricks. Developers looking forward to .NET development will also find discussion of how the Excel object model works with .NET tools including Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO).
This book teaches you how to use Excel VBA by explaining concepts clearly and concisely in plain English, and provides plenty of downloadable samples so you can learn by doing. You'll be exposed to a wide range of tasks most commonly performed with Excel, arranged into chapters according to subject-and those subjects correspond to one or more Excel objects. With both thesamples and important reference information for each object included right in the chapters, instead of tucked away in separate sections, "Programming Excel with VBA and .NET" covers the entire Excel object library. For those just starting out, it also lays down the basic rules common to all programming languages.
With this single-source reference and how-to guide, you'll learn to use the complete range of Excel programming tasks to solve problems, no matter what you're experience level is.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Querying XML or Digital Signal Processing

Querying XML: XQuery, XPath, and SQL/XML in Context

Author: Jim Melton

There is no more authoritative pair of authors on Querying XML than Jim Melton and Stephen Buxton. Best of all, as readers of Jim's other books know, his informal writing style will teach you what you need to know about this complex subject without giving you a headache. If you need a comprehensive and accessible overview of Querying XML, this is the book you have been waiting for.-—from the foreword by Don Chamberlin, IBM Fellow, Almaden Research Center

XML has become the lingua franca for representing business data, for exchanging information between business partners and applications, and for adding structure— and sometimes meaning—to text-based documents. XML offers some special challenges and opportunities in the area of search: querying XML can produce very precise, fine-grained results, if you know how to express and execute those queries.

For software developers and systems architects: this book teaches the most useful approaches to querying XML documents and repositories. This book will also help managers and project leaders grasp how "querying XML" fits into the larger context of querying and XML. Querying XML provides a comprehensive background from fundamental concepts (What is XML?) to data models (the Infoset, PSVI, XQuery Data Model), to APIs (querying XML from SQL or Java) and more.

* Presents the concepts clearly, and demonstrates them with illustrations and examples; offers a thorough mastery of the subject area in a single book.
* Provides comprehensive coverage of XML query languages, and the concepts needed to understand them completely (such as the XQuery Data Model).
* Shows how to query XML documentsand data using: XPath (the XML Path Language); XQuery, soon to be the new W3C Recommendation for querying XML; XQuery's companion XQueryX; and SQL, featuring the SQL/XML extensions.
* Includes an extensive set of XQuery, XPath, SQL, Java, and other examples, with links to downloadable code and data samples.

Jim Melton of Oracle Corporation is editor of all parts of ISO/IEC 9075 (SQL) and has been active in SQL standardization for two decades. More recently, he has been active in the W3C's XML Query Working Group that defined XQuery, is co-Chair of that WG, and co-edited two of the XQuery specifications. Stephen Buxton is Director of Product Management at Mark Logic Corporation, and a member of the W3C XQuery Working Group and Full-Text Task Force. Until recently, Stephen was Director of Product Management for Text and XML at Oracle Corporation.

Table of Contents:
Ch. 1XML3
Ch. 2Querying31
Ch. 3Querying XML45
Ch. 4Metadata - an overview67
Ch. 5Structural metadata85
Ch. 6The XML information set (infoset) and beyond123
Ch. 7Managing XML : transforming and connecting153
Ch. 8Storing : XML and databases193
Ch. 9XPath 1.0 and XPath 2.0215
Ch. 10Introduction to XQuery 1.0261
Ch. 11XQuery 1.0 definition329
Ch. 12XQueryX407
Ch. 13What's missing?439
Ch. 14XQuery APIs497
Ch. 15Sql/Xml523
Ch. 16XML-derived markup languages585
Ch. 17Internationalization : putting the "W" in "WWW"605
Ch. 18Finding stuff623

Book review: Running in Literature or Monochrome Days

Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach

Author: Sanjit K Mitra

This book takes advantage of the availability of high-level software to illustrate how to use the computer to solve real-life design problems. The inclusion of MATLAB exercises throughout the book illustrates its powerful capability in solving signal processing problems.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Microprocessor Design or Microsoft Office Access 2007 Introductory

Microprocessor Design: A Practical Guide from Design Planning to Manufacturing

Author: Grant McFarland

Gain a Working Knowledge of the Entire Microprocessor Design Flow

This unique step-by-step guide is a complete introduction to modern microprocessor design, explained in simple nontechnical language without complex mathematics. An ideal primer for those working in or studying the semiconductor industry, Microprocessor Design explains all the key concepts, terms, and acronyms needed to understand the steps required to design and manufacture a microprocessor.

Developed from a successful corporate training course, this hands-on learning guide walks readers through every step of microprocessor design. You'll follow a new processor product from initial planning through design to production. In Microprocessor Design, the author converts his real-world design and teaching experience into an easy-to-follow reference employing an on-the-job-training approach to cover:

  • The evolution of microprocessors
  • Microprocessor design planning
  • Architecture and microarchitecture
  • Logic design and circuit design
  • Semiconductor manufacturing
  • Processor packaging and test

    This authoritative reference is an excellent introduction for students or engineers new to processor design and can show industry veterans how their specialty fits into the overall design flow. This accessible and practical guide will provide the reader with a broad working knowledge of the concepts of microprocessor design, as well as an understanding of the individual steps in the process and the jargon used by the industry.

    Grant McFarland holds a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford University. His doctoral dissertation, CMOS Technology Scaling and Its Impact onCache Delay, predicted the impact of fabrication technology scaling on the design of processor cache memories. Dr. McFarland is currently senior design engineer for Intel(R) Corporation where he created a corporate training course and teaches the fundamentals of microprocessor design. He participated in the design of the 180nm, 90nm, and 65nm generations of the Pentium(R) 4 microprocessor.

    Readers with comments or questions about this book can reach him at

    Table of Contents:

    Chapter 1: The Evolution of the Microprocessor

    Chapter 2: Computer Components

    Chapter 3: Design Planning

    Chapter 4: Computer Architecture

    Chapter 5: Microarchitecture

    Chapter 6: Logic Design

    Chapter 7: Circuit Design

    Chapter 8: Layout

    Chapter 9: Semiconductor Manufacturing

    Chapter 10: Microprocessor Packaging

    Chapter 11: Silicon Debug and Test



    Go to: Comunicazioni di Digitahi

    Microsoft Office Access 2007 Introductory

    Author: Timothy J OLeary

    The O’Leary Office 2007 text is crafted to allow students to easily develop Microsoft Office application skills. The text design emphasizes step-by-step instructions with full screen captures that illustrate the results of each step performed. Each Lab, designed to be covered in 1 hour of class time, combines conceptual coverage with detailed software-specific instructions. Each Lab opens with a running case study that highlights real-world applications of each software program and leads students from problem to solution.

  • Wednesday, November 25, 2009

    Windows Server 2003 Security Cookbook or Learn to Make Great Digital Photos for 5 Bucks

    Windows Server 2003 Security Cookbook

    Author: Robbie Allen

    In the last few years, security has become a hot-button issue for IT organizations of all sizes. Accordingly, many of the security features that were either optional or suspect in Windows 2000 have become solid, effective fixtures in Windows Server 2003-making it the most secure operating system Microsoft has ever produced. That is, if you know how to configure it properly.

    The Windows Server 2003 Security Cookbook wants to make sure that you do know how. Picking up right where its predecessor, the Windows Server Cookbook, left off, this desktop companion is focused solely on Windows Server security. It teaches you how to perform important security tasks in the Windows Server 2003 OS using specific and adaptable recipes. Each recipe features a brief description of the problem, a step-by-step solution, and then a discussion of the technology at work. Whenever possible, the authors even tell you where to look for further information on a recipe.

    The book is written in a highly modular format, with each chapter devoted to one or more technologies that Windows Server 2003 provides. This approach allows you to look up a task or scenario that you want to accomplish, find that page, and read that particular recipe only. Topics include:

    System preparation and administration

    Protecting the computer at the TCP/IP level

    Applying security options to Active Directory

    Improving security on domain controllers

    Securing DHCP controllers

    Encrypting and signing network traffic using IPSec

    Patch management

    If you're an intermediate or advanced system administrator who wants to feel secure when deploying Windows Server 2003 and its related services, then you don't wantto be without the Windows Server 2003 Security Cookbook.

    Table of Contents:
    1Getting started1
    2System preparation and administration19
    4Encrypting file system56
    5Active directory75
    6Group policy96
    7Security templates130
    8Domain controllers153
    9User and computer accounts167
    10Rights and permissions199
    11Dynamic host configuration protocol218
    12Domain name system232
    13File and print servers264
    15Internet information services314
    16RRAS and IAS337
    17Terminal services and remote desktop354
    18Public key infrastructure and certificates373
    20Event logs433
    21Patch management451

    Go to: Prentice Halls Federal Taxation Comprehensive or Code

    Learn to Make Great Digital Photos for 5 Bucks

    Author: Tim Grey

    Learn to Make Great Digital Photos for 5 Bucks is a tight, bright, four-color, quick reference manual for anyone who wants to learn to use their digital camera. Written by an intelligent expert of digital photography, the text is integrated with large illustrations (either photographs or software interface shots). Brief tips or warnings at page bottom address any ancillary points not covered in the basic how-to text. There's nothing else. Readers will quickly learn the fundamentals of using a digital camera: your camera's basic features, how to shoot in different lighting conditions, tips for different kinds of shots (portrait, landscape, close-up), basic rules all the pros know, and more than 50 tips and secrets that help get the perfect shot, or maybe just save your day. You'll also learn what to do with your images after you've imported them into your computer: managing your photo files, editing and cropping, printing, and emailing them to friends and family. This book isn't designed to be a complete reference, but an irresistible impulse buy for people who don't normally buy books in this area--or for people who just want to learn the basics.

    Sunday, February 22, 2009

    An Introduction to Programming Using Interactive Data Language or Adobe Creative Suite 2 Classroom in a Book

    An Introduction to Programming Using Interactive Data Language (IDL)

    Author: Kenneth P Bowman

    In today's information age, scientists and engineers must quickly and efficiently analyze extremely large sets of data. One of the best tools to accomplish this is Interactive Data Language (IDL ®), a programming and visualization environment that facilitates numerical modeling, data analysis, and image processing. IDL's high-level language and powerful graphics capabilities allow users to write more flexible programs much faster than is possible with other programming languages.

    An Introduction to Programming with IDL enables students new to programming, as well as those with experience in other programming languages, to rapidly harness IDL's capabilities: fast, interactive performance; array syntax; dynamic data typing; and built-in graphics. Each concept is illustrated with sample code, including many complete short programs.

    •Margin notes throughout the text quickly point readers to the relevant sections of IDL manuals

    •End-of-chapter summaries and exercises help reinforce learning

    •Students who purchase the book are eligible for a substantial discount on a student version of the IDL software

    Table of Contents:
    Ch. 1Introduction3
    Ch. 2IDL manuals and books9
    Ch. 3Interactive IDL13
    Ch. 4IDL scripts (batch jobs)33
    Ch. 5Integer constants and variables39
    Ch. 6Floating-point constants and variables39
    Ch. 7Using arrays59
    Ch. 8Searching and sorting77
    Ch. 9Structures83
    Ch. 10Printing text93
    Ch. 11Reading text101
    Ch. 12Writing and reading binary files107
    Ch. 13Reading NetCDF files115
    Ch. 14Writing NetCDF files127
    Ch. 15Procedures and functions137
    Ch. 16Program control153
    Ch. 17Line graphs161
    Ch. 18Contour and surface plots171
    Ch. 19Mapping181
    Ch. 20Printing graphics193
    Ch. 21Color and image display201
    Ch. 22Animation219
    Ch. 23Statistics and pseudorandom numbers227
    Ch. 24Interpolation237
    Ch. 25Fourier analysis247

    Book about: Quantity Food Sanitation or Evaluating Beer

    Adobe Creative Suite 2 Classroom in a Book

    Author: Staff of Adobe Press

    Adobe Creative Suite 2, Adobe's tightly integrated set of design tools, offers enough goodies to make any graphic designer swoon. Since the Premium edition of this software collection includes Photoshop CS2, Illustrator CS 2, InDesign CS2, GoLive CS2, and Acrobat 7.0 Professional–as well as a handful of other shiny new tools–users will find everything they need to create beautiful content for print, the Web, and mobile devices. Here to make sure you master it quickly and completely is a self-paced guide from Adobe's Creative Team--the folks behind the software. With the Classroom in a Book series, you learn by immersion. Step-by-step, project-based lessons walk you through sample real-life projects, while review questions at the end of each chapter reinforce the new skills you've learned. The companion CD, filled with lesson and media files, will have you working on print, Web and PDF projects in no time. Whether you're a graphic design novice, student, graphic designer, educator, or are just new to the Adobe Creative Suite, this book will give you a solid overview of Adobe's creative design software.

    Saturday, February 21, 2009

    E Commerce For Dummies or Alternative Digital Photography

    E-Commerce For Dummies

    Author: Don Jones

    "The easy days of being an online merchant are gone!" - IDC in IT Industry Update, 2001
    This is the one book that demystifies the world of e-commerce so that you can keep yourself, your business, and your career on the cutting edge.

    The ability to do business online is creating another industrial revolution. But e-commerce is tough to understand and even harder to do well, as recent dot-com shakeouts show. E-Commerce For Dummies is THE title that helps break down the world of e-commerce into understandable and manageable terms and concepts. It covers all aspects of both B2B and B2C in a clear, no-nonsense way that cuts through the hype about this quickly evolving and vitally important topic. The book combines valuable business strategies with insight into the technology that makes e-commerce possible, and includes real-life case studies so you can find out what to do-and what not to do-when charting your e-commerce strategies.

    Go to: Out of the Shadows or Feng Shui Principles for Building and Remodeling

    Alternative Digital Photography

    Author: John G Blair

    Alternative Digital Photography will lead you through a detailed exploration of alternative techniques in digital photography. Whether you are an amateur photographer, a beginning professional, or an advanced professional looking to add more creativity to your photography, this book will help you develop the skills you need to create unusual, creative, and artistic images using digital photography. It includes hands-on lessons designed to help you quickly develop new and creative ways of viewing the world around you. It is filled with example photographs, outlining the steps taken to achieve each image. It emphasizes simple, creative, and inexpensive suggestions that anyone can use--no need for a professional studio or a large financial investment. The book does also include coverage of advanced techniques as well as expensive tools that allow you to continue using the book as your experience grows.

    Daniel Lombardo - Library Journal

    The digital photography revolution has freed us from the expense of film and the bother of learning the mechanics of aperture, focus, and light settings. Some argue that the cost may be the loss of the edgy creativity that can be achieved with the classic SLR film camera. Both Blair and Cartwright bring us books that inspire the experimental use of images, before and after they leave the digital camera. Blair (The Glossary of Digital Photography) uses the seemingly endless manipulations of Photoshop to create images that are in styles he calls photoimpressionism, neomysticism, and neosymbolism. He defocuses his camera, uses digital infrared, and even experiments with digital toy cameras.

    Accomplished actress and artist Cartwright takes digital images, photos on film, and Polaroids and manipulates them with an array of traditional art materials and techniques. She adds color with acrylic paints, oil sticks, watercolors, dry pigments, and inks. For texture she uses embossing powders, gessoes, pastes, and wax, and for special effects she experiments by printing photos on unusual substratum, by imprinting, and by using tissue and fabric. Both books accomplish their goal admirably, and both are highly recommended.

    Table of Contents:
    Chapter 1 - Creating Black and White from Color
    Chapter 2 - Creating Sepia from Black and White or Color
    Chapter 3 - Hand colored Black and White
    Chapter 4 - Hand colored Sepia
    Chapter 5 - Abstract
    Chapter 6 - Pleinart
    Chapter 7 - Mosaic
    Chapter 8 - Fresco
    Chapter 9 - Photoimpressionism
    Chapter 10 - Romantic Miniatures
    Chapter 11 - Digital Pinhole
    Chapter 12 - Digital Infrared

    Friday, February 20, 2009

    Geekonomics or Murachs Visual Basic 2005

    Geekonomics: The Real Cost of Insecure Software

    Author: David Ric

    “The clarity of David’s argument and the strength of his conviction are truly inspiring. If you don’t believe the world of software affects the world in which you live, you owe it to yourself to read this book.”
    –Lenny Zeltzer, SANS Institute faculty member and the New York Security Consulting Manager at Savvis, Inc.


    Geekonomics stays with you long after you finish reading the book. You will reconsider every assumption you have had about software costs and benefits.”
    –Slava Frid, Gemini Systems, CTO, Resilience Technology Solutions


    “Information Security is an issue that concerns governments, companies and, increasingly, citizens. Are the computer systems and software to which we entrust our sensitive and critical information, technologies that are out of control? David Rice has written an important and welcome book that goes to the heart of this issue, and points to solutions that society as a whole needs to debate and embrace.”
    –Nick Bleech, IT Security Director, Rolls-Royce


    “If you are dependent upon software (and of course, all of us in the modern world are) this book is a fabulous discussion of how and why we should worry.”
    –Becky Bace


    The Real Cost of Insecure Software

    •   In 1996, software defects in a Boeing 757 caused a crash that killed 70 people…

    •   In 2003, a software vulnerability helped cause the largest U.S. power outage in decades…

    •   In 2004, known softwareweaknesses let a hacker invade T-Mobile, capturing everything from passwords to Paris Hilton’s photos…

    •   In 2005, 23,900 Toyota Priuses were recalled for software errors that could cause the cars to shut down at highway speeds…

    •   In 2006 dubbed “The Year of Cybercrime,” 7,000 software vulnerabilities were discovered that hackers could use to access private information…

    •   In 2007, operatives in two nations brazenly exploited software vulnerabilities to cripple the infrastructure and steal trade secrets from other sovereign nations…

    Software has become crucial to the very survival of civilization. But badly written, insecure software is hurting people–and costing businesses and individuals billions of dollars every year. This must change. In Geekonomics, David Rice shows how we can change it.


    Rice reveals why the software industry is rewarded for carelessness, and how we can revamp the industry’s incentives to get the reliability and security we desperately need and deserve. You’ll discover why the software industry still has shockingly little accountability–and what we must do to fix that.

    Brilliantly written, utterly compelling, and thoroughly realistic, Geekonomics is a long-overdue call to arms. Whether you’re software user, decision maker, employee, or business owner this book will change your life…or even save it.


    The Alarming Cost of Insecure, Badly Written Software...

    and How to Finally Fix the Problem, Once and for All!


    Six billion crash test dummies: why you’re at greater risk than you ever imagined.

    You pay the price: why consumers are legally and financially responsible for the mistakes of software manufacturers.

    Broken windows: how software promotes epidemic cyber crime and threatens national security.

    Who runs the show?: Why software manufacturers fought against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s attempts to protect the U.S. blood supply.

    Protecting national infrastructure: real incentives for transforming software manufacturing.

    Surviving the information superhighway: practical, must-read advice in a world of insecure code.


    Preface xiii

    Acknowledgments xix

    About the Author xx


    Chapter 1: The Foundation of Civilization 1

    Chapter 2: Six Billion Crash Test Dummies: Irrational Innovation and Perverse Incentives 19

    Chapter 3: The Power of Weaknesses: Broken Windows and National Security 73

    Chapter 4: Myopic Oversight: Blinded by Speed, Baffled by Churn 131

    Chapter 5: Absolute Immunity: You Couldn’t Sue Us Even If You Wanted To 179

    Chapter 6: Open Source Software: Free, But at What Cost? 243

    Chapter 7: Moving Forward: Rational Incentives for a Different Future 273


    Epilogue 321

    Notes 325

    Index 341



    Book about: Fearless Caregiver or My Child Has Cancer

    Murach's Visual BASIC, 2005

    Author: Anne Boehm

    Visual Basic 2005 is designed for productivity...and so is this new addition to Murach’s bestselling VB series. It moves at a professional pace to teach you how to develop Windows Forms applications using all the time-saving new features in Visual Basic 2005 and Visual Studio 2005.

    That means you’ll learn how to:
    create database applications using the new data sources feature and new data controls that are now layered on top of ADO.NET (database processing is the function that’s changed most dramatically in this release of Visual Basic) use new object-oriented features like generics, My objects, partial classes, and class diagrams that save you time on everyday functions take advantage of new Visual Studio features like code snippets, Auto Correction, and ClickOnce deployment that simplify the tasks of creating, testing, debugging, and deploying applications But if you’re new to VB.NET, you’ll also gain the core skills that haven’t changed. So you’ll learn how to validate data...handle numeric, date, and string repetitive processing using arrays and collections...handle exceptions in a structured with text, binary, and XML files...access data with ADO.NET...and make practical use of OOP features like inheritance and interfaces. What’s more, these classic skills are seamlessly integrated with what’s new, just as you’ll mix new and unchanged features in your own applications.

    Thursday, February 19, 2009

    Flash CS3 Professional Advanced for Windows and Macintosh or Transcending CSS

    Flash CS3 Professional Advanced for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickPro Guide

    Author: Russell Chun

    Adobe Flash CS3 is the leading software for Web designers creating dynamic Web sites. Adobe Flash CS3 Professional Advanced for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickPro Guide offers the most efficient way for smart, creative, busy professionals to learn Flash. Updated to include the important new features in Flash CS3, this book covers the latest ActionScript standards that make Flash CS3 so powerful, and details the expanded support for rich media. This handy guide combines a visual approach with straightforward, step-by-step instructions and screenshots, concise explanations of animation techniques, and task-based learning. Taking the highly accessible instructional format of the popularVisual QuickStart Guides to a more advanced level, the book guides readers through all the intricacies and new features of this top-selling Web multimedia application.

    Table of Contents:
    Introduction     ix
    Approaching Advanced Animation     1
    Building Complexity     3
    Motion Tweening Strategies     4
    Shape Tweening Strategies     16
    Creating Special Effects     21
    Animated and Complex Masks     26
    Working with Video     37
    Embedding Video into Flash     38
    Progressive Download Video into Flash     47
    Rotoscoping     53
    Interactivity     55
    Getting a Handle on ActionScript     57
    What Is ActionScript 3.0?     58
    About Objects and Classes     59
    About Methods and Properties     60
    Writing with Dot Syntax     61
    More on Punctuation     63
    The Actions Panel     64
    Editing ActionScript     73
    Using Objects     76
    About Functions     85
    Using Comments     89
    Advanced Buttons and Event Handling     91
    Listening for Events     92
    Mouse Detection     94
    The SimpleButton Class     98
    Invisible Buttons     102
    Animated Buttons and the Movie Clip Symbol     104
    Complex Buttons     107
    Button-Tracking Options     111
    Changing Button Behavior     114
    Creating Buttons Dynamically     117
    Keyboard Detection     119
    The Contextual Menu     122
    Creating Continuous Actions     128
    A Summary of Events     132
    Controlling Multiple Timelines     133
    Navigating Timelines with Movie Clips     134
    Target Paths     135
    Absolute and Relative Paths     139
    Using the with Action to Target Objects     141
    Movie Clips as Containers     143
    Using Frame Labels     147
    Managing Outside Communication     151
    Communicating through the Web Browser     152
    Loading External Flash Movies     168
    Controlling Loaded Flash Movies     173
    Loading External Images     178
    Communicating with External Video     181
    Using Projectors and the fscommand Action     188
    Communicating with the Printer     191
    Detecting Download Progress: Preloaders     200
    Transforming Graphics and Sound     209
    Controlling & Displaying Graphics     211
    Understanding the Display List      212
    Changing Graphic Properties     213
    Controlling Scaling and Distortion     220
    Modifying the Color     224
    Blending Colors     230
    Applying Special Effects with Filters     233
    Creating Drag-and-Drop Interactivity     236
    Detecting Collisions     240
    Generating Graphics Dynamically     243
    Controlling Stacking Order     246
    Creating Vector Shapes Dynamically     249
    Using Dynamic Masks     266
    Customizing Your Pointer     272
    Putting It Together: Animating Graphics with ActionScript     274
    About Bitmap Images     279
    Creating and Accessing Bitmap Data     280
    Manipulating Bitmap Images     286
    Using Filters on Bitmap Images     296
    Putting It Together: Animating Bitmap Images     299
    Controlling Sound     303
    Using Sounds     304
    Playing Sounds from the Library     305
    Loading and Playing External Sounds     307
    Controlling Sound Playback     309
    Modifying Volume and Balance     313
    Detecting Sound Events     318
    Working with MP3 Song Information     320
    Visualizing Sound Data     323
    Putting It Together: Dynamic Sound Controls     326
    Working with Information     331
    Controlling Information Flow     333
    Using Variables and Expressions     334
    Loading External Variables     338
    Storing and Sharing Information     347
    Modifying Variables     353
    Concatenating Variables and Dynamic Referencing     355
    Testing Information with Conditional Statements     357
    Providing Alternatives to Conditions     362
    Branching Conditional Statements     364
    Combining Conditions with Logical Operators     368
    Looping Statements     370
    Controlling Text     375
    Input Text     376
    Dynamic Text     378
    Selecting Text Field Options     380
    Displaying HTML     383
    TextField Properties     388
    Generating Text Fields Dynamically     398
    Modifying Text in Text Fields     400
    Formatting Text Fields from an External Style Sheet     410
    Detecting the Focus of Text Fields     414
    Controlling the Focus and Selection within Text Fields     417
    Analyzing Text     419
    Modifying Text      429
    Manipulating Information     433
    Making Calculations with the Math Class     434
    Calculating Angles     435
    Creating Directional Movement     444
    Calculating Distances     448
    Generating Random Numbers     450
    Ordering Information with Arrays     451
    Keeping Track of Objects with Arrays     458
    Using the Date and Time     463
    Managing Content and Troubleshooting     471
    Sharing Library Symbols     472
    Sharing Fonts     479
    Including External ActionScript     482
    Using the Movie Explorer     485
    Tracing Variables in the Output Panel     489
    Determining a Variable's Data Type     491
    Optimizing Your Movie     492
    Avoiding Common Mistakes     496
    Keyboard Key Codes     497
    Index     499

    Read also Just Cook It or Nana Lenas Kitchen

    Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design

    Author: Andy Clark

    As the Web evolves to incorporate new standards and the latest browsers offer new possibilities for creative design, the art of creating Web sites is also changing. Few Web designers are experienced programmers, and as a result, working with semantic markup and CSS 
    can create roadblocks to achieving truly beautiful designs using all the resources available. Add to this the pressures of presenting
    exceptional design to clients and employers, without compromising efficient workflow, and the challenge deepens for those working 
    in a fast-paced environment. As someone who understands these complexities firsthand, author and designer Andy Clarke offers visual 
    designe s a progressive approach to creating artistic, usable, and accessible sites using transcendent CSS.

    In this groundbreaking book, you’ll discover how to implementhighly original designs through visual demonstrations of the creative 
    possibilities using markup and CSS. You’ll learn to use a new design workflow, build prototypes that work well for designers and all team 
    members, use grids effectively, visualize markup, and discover every phase of the transcendent design process, from working with the 
    latest browsers to incorporating CSS3 to collaborating with team members effectively, and much more. 

    Written and edited by Web design and CSS luminaries Andy Clarke and Molly E. Holzschlag, Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design
    • Uses a visual approach to help you learn coding techniques 
    • Includes numerous examples of world-class Web sites, photography, and other inspirations that give designers ideas for visualizing their code
    • Offers early previews of technical advances in new Web browsers and of the emerging CSS3 specification

    Tuesday, February 17, 2009

    Autonomous Systems And Intelligent Agents In Power System Control And Operation or Digital Capital

    Autonomous Systems And Intelligent Agents In Power System Control And Operation

    Author: C Rehtanz

    Autonomous systems are one of the most important trends for the next generation of control systems. This book is the first to transfer autonomous systems concepts and intelligent agents theory into the control and operation environment of power systems. The focus of this book is to design a future control system architecture for electrical power systems, which copes with the changed requirements concerning complexity and flexibility and includes several applications for power systems. This book draws the whole circle from the theoretical and IT-concept of autonomous systems for power system control over the required knowledge-based methods and their capabilities to concrete applications within this field.

    New interesting textbook: Real World Compositing with Adobe Photoshop CS4 or HTML

    Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs

    Author: Don Tapscott

    When Transmeta unveiled its remarkable new microprocessors earlier this year, the company's founder, David Ditzel, told the media: "The Internet changes everything. In the future you will no more want to leave your home without your Internet connection than you do without your cell phone today."

    The Transmeta chips are designed from scratch to facilitate wireless Internet access from Web appliances and ultra-light laptops. Scores of other corporations are scrambling to come up with similar devices.

    In Japan, the revolutionary "i-mode" mobile phone is soaring in popularity. These svelte phones are constantly connected to the Internet. You don't have to 'logon' to the Web as you do in North America. The display screen is the size of a business card. More than 350 companies have built a vast array of Web sites for the gadget. Users can receive email, chat, buy and sell securities, download video and music, swap photos, read train schedules, look up their horoscopes, check movie listings, and on and on. The Japanese are hooked.

    This constant connectivity to the Net will profoundly effect how we go about our lives. At the early stages we will download straightforward content like music, newspaper clipping and ebooks.

    Soon wireless devices that pinpoint your location will be able to answer any questions on services and amenities in the neighbourhood. As you drive through a neighbourhood that you would like to move to, you will be alerted to any houses for sale with the right number of bedrooms and bathrooms. Naturally the device will tell you how to get to each house.

    These gadgets will be our constant companions and co-pilots as we go about our work and play. Their ability to extract useful information from the blizzard of digital data will be key. We will insist these devices intimately understand our needs and wants.

    As we explore in Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs, corporations are reinventing their business models around the ubiquitous, deep, rich and increasingly functional Internet. Large and diverse sets of people scattered around the world can now, easily and cheaply, gain near real-time access to the information they need to make safe decisions and coordinate complex activities.

    Different companies can add knowledge value to a product or service - through innovation, enhancement, cost reduction, or customization - at each step in its lifecycle. Often, specialists do a better value-adding job than vertically integrated firms. In the digital economy, the notion of a separate, electronically negotiated deal at each step of the value cycle becomes a reasonable, often compelling, proposition.

    Successful corporations are now distinguished by their ability to identify and accumulate digital capital. They use the Net to blend their intellectual acumen with other companies and leverage the combined insight. They use the Web to develop much deeper relationships with their customers. And they jettison the business models of the industrial age to reinvent their corporations for success in the digital economy.

    To repeat: The Internet changes everything. Digital Capital shows how.

    Publishers Weekly

    Building on concepts that have been around for more than a decade, the authors argue convincingly that the age of the trillion-dollar enterprise, where two or more companies come together to complete one project, and then go their separate ways, competing against one another for the next, may finally be at hand. Managers who are grappling with ways to expand rapidly with limited resources--a description that fits just about every manager--are bound to be intrigued by the argument that Tapscott (The Digital Economy), Ticoll and Lowy--partners at the Alliance for Converging Technologies consulting firm--put forth. As they see it, the Internet eliminates almost all of the transaction problems that have plagued alliances up until now. Alliance partners no longer have to be in the same location, since the Web makes communication instantaneous, which in turn makes managing enterprises easier. Continuous market feedback is possible, since customers can be plugged into the network, along with suppliers and subcontractors. That's intriguing enough, but the authors go further and outline how five possible types of alliances, or "business webs," can be tailored to suit virtually any company. While the authors give relatively short shrift to the "how to" component of constructing these webs and they don't spend as much time as they might on exactly where employees fit into them, those shortcomings don't distract too much from their otherwise trenchant and absorbing presentation. While the future may evolve differently than the authors envision it, they have provided a workable interim blueprint for getting from here to there. (July) Copyright 2000 Cahners Business Information.|

    The Standard

    Digital Capital, the new book coauthored by Web guru Don Tapscott, functions much like a classic economics primer: It takes a fascinating topic and drains the excitement from it.

    Business webs, or b-webs, the authors argue, have emerged as a powerful and profound new form of economic organization. "If the corporation embodied capital in the industrial age, then the b-web does the same for the digital economy," they write.

    Tapscott and crew essentially posit b-webs as ubercorporations - amalgams of businesses that join up to reduce transaction costs and inefficiencies. "The b-web is emerging as the generic, universal platform for creating value and wealth," they assure.

    There's nothing egregiously wrong with this thoughtful and authoritative book. In fact, the authors provide solid analysis of the new shape of competition. But they do so with such earnestness and heavy-handedness that the book sags.

    For example, the authors provide a "b-web taxonomy" with dense descriptions of what they classify as agoras, aggregations, value chains, alliances and distributive networks. They then address how such organizations affect human capital and what they call relationship capital (otherwise known as marketing). The book closes with prescriptions for how to build and profit from b-webs.

    Such talk comes across as a complicated and static lecture from gurus with ideas to sell. The turgid vocabulary and tech-heavy content make for intellectual speed bumps to anyone seeking a quick read. And the nature of the book is a mismatch with the environment it describes: The dynamic, fast-moving world of rapidly emerging business models and innovative online companies can't be captured by such an academic and ponderous take.

    Moreover, the book's basic premise - the rise of b-webs - assumes that these nascent environments will actually take shape. The largest and most ambitious b-webs, such as AutoExchange, or those in the aerospace or health care industries, have yet to have a meaningful impact on the economy. Like the early venture investments in IT or biotechnology, much of these businesses' value lies in an increasingly uncertain future.

    The book's argument rests heavily on the example of as a thriving b-web that has "shaken the foundations of an entire industry." While arguably true, isn't the success story it used to be after the recording industry's successful court ruling against it, which hammered the company's stock and revealed flaws in this new business' structure. Likewise, the authors use the rise of another threatened company - Webvan - as an example of a successful aggregation form of b-web.

    Ultimately, this book delivers insight into a profound new economic form, but it's not the final word. Livelier and more relevant reading on Net economics is the 1998 book Information Rules. Hal Varian and Carl Shapiro's primer lends historical context to the economic rules that govern the new economy, as well as gives crisp managerial guidelines for this changed world. Tapscott's book is too self-important and rooted in yesterday's examples to deliver more lasting benefits.

    Tom Ehrenfeld writes the Just Managing column for

    Internet Book Watch

    Ebay, Schwab and others have created revolutionary offerings which have stolen customers from more traditional venues, working with transaction partners which enabled them to move quickly in the changing Internet environment. Digital Capital describes and explains the emerging business web phenomenon and its influences, using key players and detailed information to expose the untold stories behind big successes and offering a strategy for competitive action. Essential for any who would conduct or build a web business.

    Business Week - Kirsanov

    ...the book's research is extensive, and it's surprisingly saavy about technology...if you are trying to understand why some companies are flourishing and others are struggling under old-fashioned business models, Digital Capital is pure enlightenment.

    What People Are Saying

    Warren Bennis
    Digital Capital is unarguably the single best guide to corporate survival in the new economy. If your company wants to be in the phone book in the year 2003 and beyond, read this book.
    —Warren Bennis, University Professor and Distinguished Professor of Business Administration, University of Southern California, and Coauthor, Organizing Genius and Co-Leaders

    Robert Eaton
    The seminal book on business webs and how they can help move your business units into the new, new economy. Every business leader should read this book!
    —Robert Eaton, Chairman, DaimlerChrysler

    John Chambers
    The Internet revolution waits for no one-no country, no company, and no individual. The key to success in this revolution is harnessing the power of the Internet to gain sustainable competitive advantage and to create value for your customers. Tapscott, Ticoll, and Lowy show you how to do this by defining the business model for your company's survival in today's economy. Read this book to stay ahead.
    —John Chambers, President and CEO, Cisco Systems

    Larry Downes
    Exciting and compelling, Digital Capital concisely captures important new thinking on Internet business models and how to apply them today.
    —Larry Downes, Coauthor, Unleashing the Killer App

    Noel Tichy
    Digital Capital is the guidebook for any business leader who wants to win in the e-business world. Well written and provocative, this book provides us with the first practical navigation system for what the authors coin as 'b-webs'-the new platform for winning in the twenty-first century.
    —Noel Tichy, Professor, University of Michigan, and Coauthor, The Leadership Engine and Every Business Is a Growth Business

    Jeff Papows
    Simply a must-read. Digital Capital provides real out-of-the-box insights, and, even more, excites and captivates you.
    —Jeff Papows, Author,

    William T. Esrey
    With a surgeon's precision, Tapscott, Ticoll, and Lowy define and explore new business models and opportunities coming to light in the emerging virtual 'agora.' Digital Capital is the guide to the new world of Internet work.
    —William T. Esrey, Chairman and CEO, Sprint Corporation

    Michael S. Dell
    Digital Capital is an insightful guide to the rules of engagement in the new economy. Its explanation of collaborative business webs-the emerging market models for value creation-should be required reading for anyone who wants to reach the digital customer.
    —Michael S. Dell, Chairman and CEO, Dell Computer Corporation

    J. Bruce Harreld
    By far, the best work on the new business models required to compete in e-business. Pray that your competitors don't read it!
    —J. Bruce Harreld, Senior Vice President of Strategy, IBM

    Mark Hogan
    We created eGM to transform General Motors into a major force in the digital economy. Don Tapscott and the Alliance for Converging Technologies team have greatly influenced out business design and are helping us to chart the future. Digital Capital does a great job of putting the task at hand in clear focus.
    —Mark Hogan, President, eGM

    Kim Polese
    Tired of all the hype and clichйs about e-business? Still don't know how to compete in a dot-com world? You just found your secret weapon. Tapscott, Ticoll, and Lowy cut to the core of what really matters-how to use the Internet for creating powerful business partnerships. You can't find a better guide to winning in the new digital economy.
    —Kim Polese, President, Chief Executive Officer, and Cofounder, Marimba, Inc.

    Durk Jager
    One of the most important challenges facing today's executives is the need to disaggregate and reaggregate their firms to harness the power of business webs. Digital Capital presents an actionable blueprint for meeting this challenge. If you have any responsibility for the future of your business, read this book.
    —Durk Jager, Chairman and CEO, Procter & Gamble

    Table of Contents:

    Monday, February 16, 2009

    Open Source for the Enterprise or Managing Industrial Knowledge

    Open Source for the Enterprise

    Author: Dan Woods

    Open source software is changing the world of information technology. But making it work for your company is far more complicated than simply installing a copy of Linux. If you are serious about using open source to cut costs, accelerate development, and reduce vendor lock-in, you must institutionalize skills and create new ways of working. You must understand how open source is different from commercial software and what responsibilities and risks it brings. Open Source for the Enterprise is a thoughtful guide to putting open source to work in the modern IT department.

    Open source software is software whose code is freely available to anyone who wants to change and redistribute it. New commercial support services, smaller licensing fees, increased collaboration, and a friendlier platform to sell products and services are just a few of the reasons open source is so attractive to IT departments. Some of the open source projects that are in current, widespread use in businesses large and small include Linux, FreeBSD, Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JBoss, and Perl. Open source has entered a new area where it is being used as a marketing device, a collaborative software development methodology, and a business model.

    This book provides something far more valuable than either the cheerleading or the fear-mongering one often hears about open source. The authors are Dan Woods, former CTO of and a consultant and author of several books about IT, and Gautam Guliani, Director of Software Architecture at Kaplan Test Prep & Admissions. Each author has used open source software for some 15 years at IT departments large and small. They have collected the wisdom of a host of experts from IT departments, open source communities, and software companies. Open Source for the Enterprise provides a top to bottom view not only of open source technology, but of the skills required to manage it and the organizational issues that must be addressed.

    Table of Contents:
    1The nature of open source1
    2Measuring the maturity of open source29
    3The open source skill set45
    4Making the ROI case67
    5Designing an open source strategy79
    6Support models for open source95
    7Making open source projects easy to adopt105
    8A comparison of open source licenses117
    9Open source under attack127
    10Open source empowerment137
    AThe open source platform147
    BEnd-user computing on the desktop151
    COpen source and email159
    DGroupware, portals, and collaboration175
    EWeb publishing and content management189
    FApplication development203

    Go to: Meaningful Scents Around the World or The Diabetic Traveler

    Managing Industrial Knowledge: Creation, Transfer and Utilization

    Author: David J Teec

    Managing Industrial Knowledge illuminates the complex processes at work in the creation and successful transfer of corporate knowledge. It is now generally recognized that the competitive advantages of firms depends on their ability to build, utilize and protect knowledge assets. In this volume many of the foremost international authors and pioneers of the study of knowledge in firms present their latest work and insights into organizational knowledge and innovation.

    In a world where markets, products, technologies, competitors, regulations, and even societies change rapidly, continuous innovation and the knowledge that produces innovation have become key. The chapters in this keynote volume shed new light on the contextual factors in knowledge creation, the links between knowledge and innovation in all aspects of business life and the processes by which these may be fostered or lost in organizations.

    Friday, February 13, 2009

    GNU Autoconf Automake and Libtool or Mistake Proofing for Operators

    GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool

    Author: Vaughan

    If you are a developer and are looking to participate in the Open Source development growth area you will need to learn new Open Source tools. GNU autoconf, GNU automake and GNU libtool are key tools for Open Source application development. These tools are not easy to learn, so some of the leading authorities on these tools have agreed to work together on this book to teach developers how to boost their productivity and the portability of their application. This book place New Riders/MTP at the center of the Open Source development community. Autoconf, Automake and Libtool is an efficient discourse on the use of autoconf, automake and libtool aimed at reducing the steep learning curve normally associated with these tools. This is a study guide to the interactions between the tools, and how best to get them to cooperate. If you are a developer and have no GNU build environment expertise, this book will help you develop these tools completely and confidently.

    Table of Contents:
    2How to Run Configure, and The Most Useful Standard Makefile Targets7
    3Introducing 'Makefile's17
    4Using GNU Autotools to Manage a "Minimal Project"21
    5Writing a Protable ''29
    6Introducing GNU Automake37
    7A Small GNU Autotools Project47
    9Introducing GNU Libtool83
    10Using GNU Libtool with '' and ''107
    11A Large GNU Autotools Project133
    12Rolling Distribution Tarballs149
    13Installing and Uninstalling Configured Packages155
    14Writing Portable C with GNU Autotools163
    15Writing Portable C++ with GNU Autotools177
    16Dynamic Loading195
    17Using GNU libltdl205
    18Advanced GNU Automake Usage229
    19A Complex GNU Autotools Project233
    20GNU M4251
    21Writing Portable Bourne Shell267
    22Writing New Macros for Autoconf283
    23Migrating an Existing Package to GNU Autotools293
    24Using Autotools with Cygnus' Cygwin301
    25Cross-Compilation with GNU Autotools329
    AInstalling GNU Autotools339
    CGenerated File Dependencies349
    DAutoconf Macro Reference355
    EOpen Publication License365

    Books about: Para Personas Con Reparos or Herbs Spices and Flavorings

    Mistake-Proofing for Operators: The ZQC System

    Author: Shigeo Shingo

    The Zero Quality Control System (ZQC) is a mistake-proofing approach that prevents defects by monitoring processing conditions at the source and correcting errors that cause defects. Since it is human nature to make mistakes, ZQC does not blame people for errors, but instead finds ways to keep errors from becoming defects. In this breakthrough approach, mistake-proofing devices called poka-yoke are used to check and give feedback about each product or operation in the process, not just a sample. This book introduces operators and assembly workers to the basic methodology of ZQC in an easy-to-read format that covers all aspects of this important manufacturing improvement strategy.

    Mistake-Proofing for Operators includes the instructional features that are the signature of the Shopfloor Series. In this series Productivity Press has taken the lead in adult education by teaming with instructional designers to develop complete programs for frontline learning. The goal: to place powerful and proven improvement tools such as ZQC and mistake-proofing in the hands of your company's entire workforce.

    It includes:

    • A universal reading level.
    • Margin icons that highlight key learning points.
    • Real-life examples to reinforce new ideas.
    • Reflection questions throughout that help readers apply the concepts.
    • Drawings, illustrations, and photographs.

    Winner of the 1990 Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing,Mistake-Proofing for Operators is based on by Shigeo Shingo